Please Help Me Decide Something On My Podcast

For those of you have been listening to the Julio From NY Show and heard episode 67, I finally put the poll up for you guys to vote on. For those of you who don’t listen and don’t know what I’m talking about, allow me to summarize. On episode 67, I discussed that I was mulling over what I should do about the closing song of the show and, to hopefully help me with my decision, I was going to put up a poll so that the fans of said podcast can vote on it.

So now the poll is up and awaiting results from votes. Even if you don’t listen to it, wouldn’t it be fun to wield such power as the fate of the closing song of a show? Give it a shot. It won’t cost you a thing and it can have such an effect on what I do. Come on, you know you want to 😉

New Podcast On The Rise

After taking a few weeks off I’m once again getting the bug to record a podcast again. However, I didn’t feel like continuing with “The Julio From NY Show”. Thus a new show was born: The Mundane Chatter Podcast. I’m pretty psyched with this new project even though there are very little variances from the last show.  The big one of course is the title which I’ll go into more detail in the first episode when it launches in a few weeks or so. Also, I decided I’ll be more stringent in the show format. It won’t vary from episode to episode like the last show did. The Mundane Chatter Podcast will be all-talk throughout. There will be no segments between topics and little to no music will be played on the new show. Other than that, the show will  be similar in scope with topics ranging from a variety of personal interests. You can also follow The Mundane Chatter Podcast on Twitter to get the most up to date information of when  a new episode is up and running. Here’s hoping you give it a listen.

My Life As A Podcaster

I still remember two summers ago reading “Podcasting For Dummies” and trying to think about what exactly I want to podcast about, the format, cover art, web design, etc., when Claudia finally said, “Stop thinking about it and just do it.” What transpired was 60 episodes of chaotic amateurish audio recording that I’ll always cherish.

I had decided on doing an amalgamation of a bunch of formats of shows that I enjoyed listening to. In between podsafe music, Claudia and I would talk about a variety of topics ranging from the irreverent, to current affairs, to subjects that interested us. Occasionally we would have theme shows based on cultural days or regular US holidays (i.e. Colombian Independence Day, Christmas, etc). As much fun as I got out of this hobby, the thing I’ll miss the least will be the time expended on editing. A half-ass effort would take four hours for every hour of recording alone. A decent edit job could take a day or more.

The impulse that got me interested to podcast was a need to do something creative and to add dimension to a rather dull life in the suburbs.  I’m a lifelong pedestrian and without a car in the suburbs you are stranded to whatever is within walking distance for entertainment. If I wasn’t married, I probably would have gone nuts for not having much to do or anyone to socialize with. In that setting, my only real options for recreation were watching TV, reading, and listening to music or podcast/audiobooks.  And yes, I understand that I could’ve used that time on creative writing or drawing, but I don’t do well mentally with limited choices. It has a dampening, oppressive, suffocating effect on me. I thrive on a plethora of options, which thankfully, living in New York City now facilitates. Plus, they say writing comes from your experiences and I didn’t have much to say for the past few years besides “I walked around the neighborhood again. Saw more ‘Foreclosure’ and ‘For Sale’ signs today.” My life was especially monotonous living in Bridgeport, CT. One day would blend into the next with little variance. Podcasting filled my void of stimulus and creativity.

Of course not being one for moderation I went from a life of few distractions to “the city that never sleeps”, from having some time to kill to not having enough time to get anything done. With each night of social activities, the necessity of podcasting began to dwindle. I was getting my stimulus from my new surroundings (or rather from my original surroundings but that’s a tale for another time) and as I was becoming more outgoing in the real world, my internet social life was becoming less necessary. Also, with constantly being on the run, I was feeling less inclined to just record my thoughts as they came to me in a stream of conscious fashion. The idea of taking a breath, sitting back and jotting down my thoughts in a more constructive and passive manner became more appealing. With this refreshing new perspective, writing and blogging have become more inviting hobbies.

Lastly, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not a good public speaker and I’m absolutely atrocious at ad lib. I’m better at putting my thoughts down in text, letting them lie for a bit, revising them and so on. Plus, writing is once again appealing to the perfectionist in me.

I’m glad I got to do podcasting. I’ll continue to remember my experiences with “The Julio From NY Show” fondly. Now it’s time to move on to the next creative endeavor.

The Julio From NY Show Episode 23

Show Notes for Episode 23: 2008 Has Come And Gone
-The reason the theme music is no more
-Got a new mic for a 3-mic setup after failed experiment with USB mic
Audio record of NYC KATG meet-up is available on Ham Radio #46
-Glad the Jets are searching for a new head coach
New Year’s Resolutions
-Succumbed to Apple and got a Mac Mini
Ritmo Latino will be ending it’s run on May 5th
Going to try and take fitness seriously this year
-Unfortunate layoffs at my place this year
-Book Series I found Interesting
-Wrap Up

Book Series I Found Interesting:
Sookie Stackhouse Series
-HBO show, True Blood is based on this series

Track List:

Anytown USA by George Thorogood
Catch Kiss Kill by Chris Belden
Red Rolling Papers by Spanking Charlene
Universal by Hypernova
Mute Button by The Genders

Contact Info:
Voicemail:646-495-9201 x 93967

Support The Show:

You Can Vote Here: Feeds

Episode 20 is up and running

Finally got around to finishing up Episode 20. This episode is jam-packed with Blues, Blues-Rock and Folk-Rock music. Hope you all enjoy.

Click on this link to go to the shownotes and download