To Screen Protect Or Not To Screen Protect

Screen protectors seem to be an ongoing debate with me. Since my first iPhone, I was all about overprotecting it and putting it in a case with a screen protector. Then when I got my iPhone 4, something interesting happened. I put a screen protector on it but unbeknownst to me I also had removed it and was none the wiser for over a year. When I did realize, my screen remained relatively unscratched for the whole time that I possessed it (just a few micro scratches near the home button and one or two on the screen itself).

This revelation made me have more faith in the magic of gorilla glass and so when I got my HTC One X I didn’t think about getting a screen protector at all. As has been documented I had that phone for at most 6 months and it had a lot more scratches than I ever experienced on my iPhone 4. So this time around, with the iPhone 5, I decided I’ll at least get a case that has a front cover, very much akin to the flip case that Samsung sells for the Galaxy S III. What currently serves that purpose is the wallet case by Hex. Still, I decided to get the screen protector so that I can have the option to switch cases without having to worry about getting scratches on my screen.

I got the screen protector by Belkin and my attempts to install it were a bust. I ended up throwing away both screens that came with the package. Not only that but ironically my attempts to administer the screen protector on my phone may have inadvertently put scratches on my screen. The thing I wanted to avoid ended up coming to fruition. Now the scratches are extremely minor and can only be seen around the receiver in the right light and only if it has been recently cleaned with a glass cleaner and it’s completely devoid of all smudges. But still there they are. Of course, prior to noticing this, I already ordered another screen protector from Skinomi. It’s one of those wet application screen protectors and I’ve just been told that those type of films can actually cause corrosion to the screen. I never heard of this before and all my google searches to confirm this allegation were moot. So should I just send that screen protector back and leave my screen bare or proceed with protecting it?

What Resolutions for 2013 Will I Plan On Breaking?

Before I blog on any possible resolutions I’d like to make for the new year, I like to look back at previous blog entries to see how I’ve fared. I realized that I didn’t even write one for 2012. Not only that but in 2011 I wrote that I would no longer make resolutions. How quickly I’ve forgotten. It’s true, I don’t fare well with keeping any of my resolutions. But then again most of us don’t, right?

It’s a little fun to do I suppose. To give ourselves goals to strive for and to try to accomplish them. This past year I’ve improved my health quite a bit, made attempts at eating vegan around March and have lost around 30 or so pounds. Towards the end of this year my good eating habits have gone a bit to the wayside but I still try to recover myself and go back to eating vegan.

What I want to do is improve on my vegan eating efforts of course, find a permanent full-time job with 9-5 hours or something close to it, try to move back into Manhattan (Brooklyn is nice but I’m a Manhattan native and that’s where I belong), and change my TV watching habits. I watch a lot of TV, I know I do and I’m not sure if I can quite curb my quantity. The goal is to improve its quality.

One way I intend to approach this is by no longer checking out new shows. I keep adding on the queue new shows to try them. No more. I have enough shows that I watch that won’t be leaving anytime soon. Plus I have a Netflix account. If I want to try a new show, there is a slew of old great shows that I haven’t watched that I can check out there. In fact, I just started watching “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia”.

Another thing I’m realizing is that I’m liking British shows more and more as expose myself to them. Doctor Who is a given but one of my new favorites is Downton Abbey (which will be premiering on PBS on 1/6/13). The Masterpiece Mystery and Masterpiece Classics are great platforms to get acquainted with British programming. There is also a slew of British shows on Netflix as well.

So those are the goals for 2013. I think the odds are about the same on how well I’ll be able to keep to my vegan diet or be able to curb my TV watching. Though honestly the TV goal may have a slight edge. British television is really good. I won’t really be twisting my arm to watch.