Regarding that promise to do an entry at year’s end…

Hey all,

I remember in a previous post I had made a promise to do an entry regarding all the weird and ironical things that had transpired over this past year; however, I’ve decided to talk about this topic in my podcast with my wife. So look forward to this discussion in upcoming episode 50 of my little podcast.

So I Was Going To Do A Rather Moving Post…

After hearing about President Barack Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize, I was motivated to write a blog entry discussing the irony of such an event.  Upon further retrospection, I realized that this past year has been full of ironic events and I went on making a list tallying them down.  I was rather enthused about making this blog entry but my podcast episode took longer to post than I anticipated.  Because of this and also the fact that the year isn’t quite over, I decided to stall that blog entry for a later date.  In the meantime, enjoy these YouTube clips about D Rep. Alan Grayson’s stance on the Republicans stalling tactics and Keith Olbermann’s moving op-ed piece on Healthcare:

Episode 21 is up and running

In this episode the missus and I have some heated discussions about the War On Drugs, Barack Obama and whether or not his presidency will be more of the same or if it will actually be worthwhile change.  If this has piqued your interest, by all means, give it a listen.

Click on this link to go to the show notes and download the episode

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Episode 18 is up and running

I know it’s been roughly two weeks but I finally got the episode up.  Click on the following links to listen 🙂

Click on this link to go to the show notes and to download

Episode 16 is up and running!!

Yeah I know I haven’t been keeping my promise to write on my blog daily, but at least I’m being more prompt with my podcast.  In this episode, on top of sharing my current viewpoint on politics, we talk about how Tivo changed the way Claudia and I watch and listen to media and what new shows we’re currently watching.  Enjoy!

Click on this link to go to the show notes and to download the episode