Economics and Annoying Smart Guys

This is a nice explanation in laymen terms about how we should approach economics and voting.

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Time for Resolutions

Well a new year has come and gone and it’s time again to reexamine our past year and see what changes we can do to better ourselves and so on. For myself, I plan to be more socially, politically and economically aware and to also be more health-conscious.

To start with, I just finished watching a very interesting documentary called “The Story of Stuff.” This documentary pretty much covers all the things I want to change about myself, in that, it gives me an insight into the social-economic world that revolves around us. It really opened my eyes into the whole cult of consumerism that has surrounded my entire existence. The great thing about the documentary is, that on top of pointing out the ethical guffaw of this situation, it brings into our awareness some solutions that we can use in our daily lives to help combat this self-sustained oppressive state that we wrap ourselves in.

Anywho, Happy New Year to all and may this new year be a good one 🙂